Dunblane/Bridge of Dun Railway Bridge Refurbishment

Dunblane/Bridge of Dun Railway Bridge Refurbishment

We were awarded the contract to remove the existing pedestrian footbridge at Dunblane Railway Station. The public admiration for this rare Victorian footbridge lead to the decision that the bridge would be refurbished and given a new home at Bridge of Dun Open Air Railway Museum, run by Caledonian Railway.

The structure was carefully dismantled and taken to our Irvine workshop where it received a full refurbishment of the steelwork, timber and glass. The repairs were carried out in keeping with the style of the original structure, by using rivets instead of bolts and reinstating hand carved timber to replace the original damaged sections.

A full trial assembly of the structure was carried out in our Irvine yard before the glass and guttering were installed. The bridge was then separated into five sections and carefully transported and erected on its new site, where a four-mile stretch of preserved railway is in operation, running from Brechin to Bridge of Dun.
